BSC expands the Tall Tower Dataset
The BSC’s Tall Tower Dataset (TTD), a global database containing wind series from meteorological tall towers, has recently experienced an update and expansion. Started as a part of the INDECIS project and used within the S2S4E project, it is an open initiative aiming to boost the utilisation of hub height (around 100 meters above ground) quality-controlled wind observations, especially within the wind energy and research fields. Even if these two projects were finished some years ago, the Earth System Services group researchers at the Earth Sciences Department of BSC continued working on comprehensively completing the dataset.
With the recent update and expansion, the Tall Tower Dataset now consists of 318 tall towers, having data publicly available from more than 200 of them, with time series spanning up to 2022. The dataset is compiled in a freely accessible and unique collection with a common format, access and documentation. It contains data on wind speed and direction, temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity, with more than 250,000,000 observations of wind speed and directions and a total of 18 quality control checks for the wind variables.
With over 25 new users per month, the Tall Tower Dataset has been proven to be a reliable tool for wind impact assessments, forecast verification or boundary layer studies.
A complete description of the collection and quality control processes can be found in the catalogue's original publication. The data is published under license CC BY-NC 4.0, and anyone using the TTD must give credit to the creators by citing the previously mentioned publication.