
4C is a four-year H2020-funded project that focuses on better understanding the global carbon cycle, improving near-term predictions of the climate and carbon cycle, and reducing uncertainties in climate projections over the 21st century. The findings will inform the Paris Agreement global stocktakes, policies and scientific reports, such as IPCC AR6.

Duration: June 2019 - November 2023

Our work in this project

Climate modelling - We work on improving near-term predictions of the carbon cycle and climate to inform the Global Stocktake.

Informing policy dialogue - We share the latest 4C climate science by preparing targeted material, such as science summaries, policy briefs and yearly carbon outlooks, in collaboration with project partners. Our aim is to bring actionable science to policymakers by organising and participating in high-level policy meetings and events.

Bringing climate research to society - Our communication and dissemination team ensures the visibility of the research conducted in 4C by creating content translating scientific research into easy-to-grasp and accurate concepts for a broad audience. Such content includes news articles, climate classrooms and infographics, as well as digital content campaigns.

Why is this work relevant?

4C brings together leading climate scientists and European groups conducting research on climate modelling and the carbon cycle to deliver the latest actionable climate science. This knowledge is crucial for informing climate mitigation and adaptation strategies and policies in the road to achieving the Paris Agreement ambitions to keep global warming well below 2°C.