Our work in this project

Weather and climate prediction - We were part of the international team of experts working to improve climate and weather forecasting models, in order for enhancing prediction tools while expanding observational capabilities in the Arctic.

User engagement and communication - We co-led the work related to user engagement, communication and dissemination within the project.

Why is this work relevant?

The Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the globe. Improving predictions in the Arctic can help adapt to the ongoing changes in this region. This new knowledge can also help improve predictions of weather and climate in the mid-latitudes because the changes taking place in the Arctic have the potential to influence weather and climate in the mid-latitudes.


User group

A User Group composed of 11 participants from all over the Arctic was established, representing: business and governmental stakeholders from the Arctic and mid-latitudes, scientific community, meteorological and climate national services, NGOs and local and indigenous communities.


Case studies

Case studies covering a wide range of relevant topics in Arctic research and polar prediction, including the effects of Arctic environmental changes on mid-latitudes


EU Polar Cluster

A collaboration of Arctic and Antarctic projects funded by the European Commission