BOREAS will build a strong partnership with users to assess the specific needs of the renewable energy sector in Spain and the energy-water-food security nexus as a whole and promote better climate-informed decision-making and planning in the energy sector.
The quality of the forecasts will be assessed, followed by the creation of diagnostics and indicators and the usage of impact models that relate climate variables to energy-relevant quantities in line with user needs. Beyond scientific innovation, BOREAS will ensure the optimal application of the latest climate information.
Duration: September 2023 - August 2026
Our work in this project
Stakeholder engagement and user needs - Facilitate stakeholder engagement and identify user needs and synergies and trade-offs with other sectors.
Formulation of the climate information affecting renewable energy supply and electricity demand for Spain - Assess the relevant essential climate variables that primarily affect renewable energy supply (wind speed, solar radiation, and precipitation) and electricity demand (temperature) at different timescales.
Tailor climate information toward the needs of the renewable energy sector in Spain-develop methods beyond the provision of essential climate variables in WP2, to provide a climate service to energy sector users, including the analysis of case studies and the provision of real-time operational forecasts.
Climate service co-evaluation and application strategies - The objective of evaluating the climate service in collaboration with users (in this case, members of the working group) is twofold. Firstly, it allows for detecting opportunities for improvements at any stage of the value chain. Secondly, the user can test different application strategies and simulate potential outcomes during the co-evaluation process. This allows for a deeper understanding of potential applications, ultimately easing the climate service’s uptake.
Dissemination and project management - maximise the project impact and inform the energy sector, policymakers and other stakeholders in Spain and beyond.
Why is this work relevant?
Spain has the objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050, which is part of the larger European plan for green transition set out in the European Green Deal. To achieve climate neutrality, the Spanish green transition framework is centred on a massive development of renewable energy, especially solar and wind. This is an opportunity to stimulate the economy, promote green jobs, enhance competitiveness, address energy poverty, and reduce energy dependence (nowadays, Spain is heavily dependent on foreign oil and gas sources), among others (IEA, 2021a).
BOREAS will give users access to high-quality tailored information and services relying on the integration of observations, modelling and high-performance simulations. The overal aim is to contribute to making the Spanish energy sector more resilient to climate variability and extreme events. At the same time, BOREAS will showcase the example of the energy sector as the spearhead of how to improve the resilience of other sectors interconnected with energy and affected by climate variability and climate change.