Our work in this project

Standardisation framework for climate services – We develop a framework to facilitate the equitable standardisation of climate service components that should be standardised and that are (or are not) mature enough to undergo a standardisation process, as well as those aspects that should not be standardised.

Reaching consensus on climate servicesThrough a collaborative platform, we bring the climate services community together to identify good practices, recommendations and guidelines for the creation of trustworthy, quality-assured climate services to support stakeholders in the adaptation and mitigation to climate change and variability.

Societal engagement – We bring together the European climate services community through the organisation of interactive and innovative activities, such as festivals, webstivals, artistic activities, a roadshow, etc.

Why is this work relevant?

Climate information plays a fundamental role in achieving a green recovery and climate neutrality. However, this information should be delivered appropriately and used effectively to be integrated into decision-making processes to better manage risks and realise opportunities. As the number and diversity of actors that make up the landscape of climate services keep growing and evolving, new challenges appear. The communities involved in developing and providing climate services are often unaware of each other and lack interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge. In addition, quality assurance, relevant standards, and other forms of assurance (such as guidelines and good practices) for climate services are lagging behind. Climateurope2 supports the standardisation of climate services to ensure their saliency, credibility, legitimacy and authoritativeness and build two-way trust between supply and demand.


Climateurope2 collaborative platform

The platform facilitates focused discussions on good practices, guidelines and standardisation processes among the climate services community. Early versions of the project documents are shared and discussed following open science practices and an inclusive approach to encourage knowledge coproduction.