Our work in this project

Decadal prediction research - Our group develops improved decadal predictions and uses this information to analyse the impacts of the changing climate on sectors such as wind energy and agriculture.

User involvement and co-development - We actively interact with users through the EUCP Multi-User Forum, which brings together stakeholders from different sectors of society (e.g. businesses, public bodies) and scientists to encourage collaboration and influence the design of the climate prediction system developed in the project. In addition, we work with the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission to explore the added value of decadal climate information and build a reliable climate service that addresses the needs of the agriculture sector.

Pioneers in the decadal prediction field - Our team engages with global experts through workshops to understand and address the challenges that exist in moving decadal predictions from the research phase to operational climate services, leading the way towards seamless climate information. We are also analysing the usability of the project outputs for supporting decision-making and better adaptation strategies.

Why is this work relevant?

The impacts of climate change and variability are already evident in many regions of the world, affecting different sectors. Improved climate predictions and projections can help governments, businesses and other stakeholders better plan their actions and make better decisions to adapt and face the challenges brought by the changing climate. EUCP is combining novel research with better knowledge of user needs to develop a practical climate prediction system for Europe. This includes improved climate forecasts for the years ahead, merging climate information at different timescales, and providing more useful, usable and easy-to-understand information to users.


Climate predictions

Multi-year climate predictions of drought and heat stress can support decision-making in the wheat sector