Our work in this project

Climate services - We lead the work on developing methods and tools for seasonal forecasts, decadal predictions and climate projections. We are also involved in the socio-economic impact assessment of the project climate services, including ex-post analysis of socio-economic analysis.

Climate research - We participate in research that will improve understanding of climate processes and manage two case studies about food security, in Malawi and in Tanzania.

User engagement - We support stakeholder engagement, including organisation of the project workshops, communication and dissemination activities.

Why is this work relevant?

FOCUS-Africa aims to become the main reference for all future climate service projects in the SADC region by advancing the science of climate services and producing effective climate service delivery. We aim to close existing gaps and strengthen weak links in the value chain of operational climate prediction and projection in support of risk management and adaptation decision-making in Africa. The project will become a repository for knowledge and tools necessary in the development of practical and useful climate services to better tackle the risks of climate change.