About the service

Our interdisciplinary team led the co-development of the S2S4E DST by understanding and responding to the user needs in terms of the climate variables and indicators relevant to the users, as well as the proper delivery of the information and visualisation of forecasts. We developed weekly sub-seasonal and monthly seasonal forecasts based on post-processed data from ECMWF models provided as part of the S2S Real-Time pilot initiative. Forecast calibration and quality assessment were carried out using ERA5 reanalysis as a reference system. In addition, we produced monthly forecast outlooks that provided users with a summary of the expected conditions in the coming weeks and months to help them understand and incorporate this information into their decision-making processes. The DST provided sub-seasonal and seasonal forecasts in real-time until the project’s end in December 2020.

Why is this service relevant?

Energy supply and demand are highly dependent on weather conditions, particularly when it comes to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy. Timely information on the climate conditions in the following weeks and months is crucial for ensuring the transition to clean energy and the increased share of renewables in the energy system.

The S2S4E DST provides predictions on the climate conditions to users in the energy sector and beyond. This information is mainly valuable for users who base their operations and planning on the expected electricity demand and supply, particularly companies producing renewable energy (solar, wind and hydropower), grid operators and energy wholesale traders. It can also benefit users in other sectors, such as tourism and agriculture.